Monday, April 29, 2013

The Senate No Vote: Gun Rack Racism

This is a bushmaster .223

It isn't just a gun, it's an assault rifle....

To put it another way, it's a weapon of mass destruction....

It's the weapon that was used to slaughter children in their school in Newtown, CT.

As many as 90% of the voting population believe that it makes sense to require the purchaser of such a weapon to undergo a background check before taking possession of this or any other "gun" which may be acquired in the open market....

We are being led to believe that the action of the Senate was against the common sense proposals regarding legislation that would require comprehensive background checks....

But it wasn't....

It was another obstructionist vote against the Presidency of Barack Obama....

It was another clear manifestation of the determination that is held by many in Congress, including some Democrats, that Barack Obama should not be permitted to govern, even when it makes sense, and even when it is in the best interest of the country to permit him to do so...

The vote in the Senate was not about whether criminals or crazies should be able to get a bushmaster.....

It was about keeping Obama from being successful in a matter that has overwhelming popular support...

It was about keeping Obama from a political victory that the public wants and needs him to have....

It is in this context, and in this regard, that the negative action taken by the Senate on the matter of universal comprehensive background checks was not just shameful and cowardly, it was a despicable display of what I call 'gun rack' racism....

Public opinion and public safety be damned!